Bond Machine Knitting - Waste Yarn

Date: Wed, 3 Sep 97 16:04:11 UT
From: "David Ark" (
Subject: [BOND] FW: Waste yarn tip

I like to err on the side of caution, so whenever I'm working on something 
complex that I REALLY don't want to rip- such as an intarsia pattern, or in 
today's case, a tuck pattern- after I finish the complex part, or before I 
move onto shaping, I take the whole piece off onto waste yarn and then rehang 

For example, after I knitted the Mickey (intarsia) into my DS's sweater, I 
then removed the whole piece on waste yarn, rehung it, and then continued 
working.  This way, if I made any major boo-boo's after that, and had to rip 
back, Mickey (and all that hard work) would remain intact!

Today, I'm working on a tuck stitch tunic for myself.  The pattern runs over 
10 rows, the decreases for the neck happen every 4th row.  I just reached the 
part where I 'm ready to shape the neck, but I first took the whole thing off 
onto waste yarn, rehung it, and will finish it up after lunch. Once again, if 
I mess up anywhere, the front which is mostly complete, won't accidently get 
frogged away!


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Author : Steph Thornton.
Last modified on : 4th September 1997.