Bond Machine Knitting - Bunny Pattern

From: Linda Boudreau (

I am a born die-hard person when it comes to wanting to do
something so once again I will try my famous graphis without a pattern file
to open, because I haven't figured out how to use it as yet:-  Help :0(

                                        XXXXXX XX
                             XXXXXXXXX  XXXXXX  XX
                        X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
                        X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' 
                          XXXXXXXX  XXXXXXXXXXXX
                          XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX
                           XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX
                           XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX

                I printed this one out on my printer before I started, this
is adorable on a childs sweater with some fluffy grey, while or black wool.

        Once again either duplicate stitch or use a wiggle eye for a child
for the eyes.

        Add a precious little bow as well.

        I have the most gorgeous lavender heather done in shades of lilac,
pink and off white with white bunnies knit out of pure wool that my dd now
wears as she loves it too.

        I have had numerous compliments on it, but it is not one of my
original designs.

        I can tell you what it looks like though.

        It has 6 row of checked 3 x 3 fairisle - separated by a ten row
border of open hearts. then the check, then a row of bunnies then a checked
insertion on sleeves, front and back.

        I like to have a sweater admired from all sides.  I am not a fan of
the plain back or sleeves unless there is a purpose.

Just Linda!  (Linda )

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Author : Steph Thornton.
Last modified on : 8th November 1999.