Bond Machine Knitting - Bind / Cast Off Notes

Date: Sun, 24 Aug 1997 08:30:19 -0400
From: FiberArt (
Subject: [BOND] Binding off

>	I was wondering if there is any other way to bind off other than 
>the "Chain or Back st".  Just wondering about somthing with a little
> more  "give" to it.   John 

Let's see ...

Crochet cast off.
Latch tool cast off
Chain or Back sts.
Take off on knitting needles and use  a hk bind off.

I could go on ... :).

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Date: Sun, 24 Aug 1997 09:03:23 -0700
From: John Dulmus (
Subject: [BOND] Bunding off

	To bind off using crochet hook do you have to put the piece to 
be bound off on waste yarn or can it be done right off the machine?


Date: Sun, 24 Aug 1997 11:34:43 -0400
From: FiberArt (
Subject: [BOND] Bunding off

>	To bind off using crochet hook do you have to put the piece to 
>be bound off on waste yarn or can it be done right off the machine?


I vaguely remember in my memory but this technique is covered in the video
that comes with the Bond.  I will try to explain here:

Pull all the needles out fully (pushing knitting back to needle bed).  The
push back needles until the loop of the knitting is just behing the latch.

Take the latch tool (or crochet hook) and put the first loop on the
crochect hook.  Pull the yarn through (this is the yarn still from the
ball/cone) and "knit" that stitch.  Take off the latch hook.  This is done
in one motnion by hooking the latch tool on the hook and pushing back (the
loop will now be on the latch hook behind the latch).  Hook the yarn (hold
behing on the needle bed) and pull through. 

Do this technique across the entire needle bed.  Make sure to hook about
every 10 - 15 stitch (only 1) onto the needle bed to keep tension and keep
the knitting straight.  It will fall down if you don't and make it difficult.

Last note is that this sounds complicated but once you start you get into a
nice rhythem across the needle bed.

This technique is also covered in any basic machine knitting book.

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Author : Steph Thornton.
Last modified on : 1st September 1997.